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Our Initiatives

With an intention to financially assist financially unsound Brahmin Students, in their pursuit of higher Education.


Depending on the needs of the days, was helping the needy for celebrating Marriages, Upanayanams, besides helping Senior Citizens, financially assisting poor Brahmins for conduct of obsequies, paying School fees and providing Books to the poor and deserving Students.

To give financial support to meritorious poor Brahmins for their higher education and to make them responsible Life Members and so on of the P.B.H.E.T., in future once they complete their education and start earning. This is to ensure that the P.B.H.E.T will continue to function for ever in the history of the Earth.

Trust attains the capacity to fund 12000 per student for financial year.

To further develop and provide free hostels with all facilities to poor and deserving Brahmin students going for higher education.

To promote and develop interest in the Young Brahmin students to study well and achieve higher goals, and at the same time to maintain the traditions and good ethics of Brahmins.

To provide Books and stationary to the deserving Brahmin students.

To provide honor and recognition to highly meritorious students and to give certificates of awards and honor them, irrespective of their economic status.

To collect funds from Brahmins for assistance to this Trust, and to make them responsible members of this society.

To develop all the factors that is ideal for a good healthy society.