Veda is divided into four major parts viz, Samhitas (prayers), Brahmanas (rituals), Aranyakas ( meditations) and Upanishads (The knowledge of self). The first three (Samhita, Brahmana & Aranyaka) are collectively called as Veda Purva (Starting) and the last one Upanishad is called as Veda Anta (ending) or Vedanta. The Veda Purva is also referred as Karma Kanda (Portion dealing with Rituals & Activities) and Vedanta as Jnana Kanda (Portion dealing with The Knowledge of Supreme Self).
The chakras are subtle energy vortices inside and outside the body
The chakras are organically as little present as the soul but in different spiritual realms, such as yoga, meditation, tantra, reiki and healing systems such as TCM, Ayurveda etc., where they have their importance for millennia. Even throughout Western body therapies such as bioenergetics and the Alexander Technique they appear always again.
The knowledge of the chakras, has its origins, like all other basic energetic concepts in the writings of the "Golden Age", the Vedic* scriptures and the Upanishads**.
* Vedic is an Indo-Germanic language and a predecessor of the Sanskrit
** The Upanishads are a collection of philosophical writings of Brahmanism and are part of the Veda (Sanskrit: knowledge).
This knowledge about the chakras, has been preserved and transmitted in different cultures in different ways. From India and Tibet, for example, different approaches are known which arose prior to the historical, cultural and religious background of these peoples. It is said, the Tibetans have preserved the deepest knowledge of the chakras and teach this also. The problem here is, that this knowledge is passed on orally and in the original language.
With the Christianization in Europe the, until then handed down knowledge about the chakras got lost. By now you can get information about Chakras in books, seminars and courses.
Many speculations twine around the ancient knowledge of the existence and effects of the energy centers (chakras) in the human body. But the fact is that every person has its own energy system. A component of this energy system are the chakras.
1st Chakra, the Root Chakra / Muladhara Chakra (Mula = root, adhara = support)
The Root Chakra is the lowest chakra and is located at the level of the coccyx. It is open at the bottom and connects us energetically to Earth. It is our root, called the root chakra accordingly. Here lies the first level of human consciousness. After birth, the young human experiences himself first as helpless. His consciousness is primal trust and security. This chakra connects us with the physical world, the earthly. A disturbance can be physically expressed, for example, in constipation, back pain or by bone diseases. Emotionally, it manifests in the form of existential anxiety or lack of trust to others.
2nd Chakra, the Sacral Chakra / Svadhisthana Chakra (Svadhisthana = sweetness, loveliness)
The Sacral Chakra is the second chakra and lies about a hand breadth below the belly button. It is like all the subsequent chakras opening to the front, except the root chakra and the crown chakra. It stands for the original love for life and the divine creative power and is the seat of unfiltered original emotions. In this level of consciousness lies the creativity. Closely related to the creative power is the reproductive instinct, which is also connected with the creation of something new. Disruptions in this chakra may manifest by diseases of the sexual organs, but also disturbances in sensuous perception. Also, a over or under function of the sexual instinct may give information about a blocked chakra. Emotionally the imbalance makes itself noticeable with addictions and lack of drive.
3rd Chakra, the Solar Plexus Chakra / Manipura Chakra (Manipura = shining jewel)
The Solar Plexus Chakra is located just above the navel at the level of the solar plexus. It is associated with the element of fire, the light, heat, energy and activity. It also means performance and power. It stands for the development of the "I" and the ability to assert oneself in their own environment. Here is not meant by violence assert, but to find a harmonious path to fulfill his own ideas. Blockages in this chakra manifest themselves physically through digestive disorders, stomach problems, diabetes and obesity. Emotionally, the blockage is expressed by aggressiveness, insecurity, insomnia and nightmares.
4th Chakra, the Heart Chakra / Anahata Chakra (Anahata = not chipped, undamaged)
The Heart Chakra is located at the level of the heart and is the center of the Chakra System. It is in its purified form the seat of unconditional love. In this stage of learning, man experiences what it means to give love. He sees himself no longer only as a receiving entity, or as I, but as part of a community. Also the compassion and humanity belong to this state of consciousness. Physical disorders due to an improperly developed Heart Chakra are heart and circulatory diseases, or skin or lung diseases. Emotionally a disorder is expressed through contact difficulties, callousness but also lack of demarcation.
5th Chakra, the Throat Chakra / Vishuddha Chakra (Vishuddha = clearing)
The Throat Chakra is located at the level of the larynx. It stands for the search of truth and communication. For our relationships it means that what we have learned, to bring harmony through conversations in our environment. Physical symptoms of a blocked Throat Chakra, are thyroid disorders, neck pain or speech disorders. Also inhibitions and a lack of expressiveness indicate problems in this area.
6th Chakra, the Third Eye Chakra / Ajna Chakra (Ajna = perceive)
The Third Eye Chakra is located between the eyebrows. In this state of consciousness, wisdom and knowledge is gained. Due to the previous learning steps, we have this wisdom and we have a secure intuition, how we have to maneuver correctly in our environment. This intuition can be accompanied by extrasensory perceptions. Blockages in this chakra manifest themselves physically through headaches or disease of the organs of sense. Emotionally the blocked one struggles with concentration and learning difficulties. Also an exaggerated anxiety may be a sign of a blockage in this area.
7th Chakra, the Crown Chakra / Sahasrara Chakra (Sahasrara = a thousand times over)
The Crown Chakra is located outside the material vibrational body, above the head. It is open to the top and connects us with heaven and the divine. It is the center of consciousness of spirituality, the enlightenment and the religiosity of the people. Humans at this stage quit their identity in order to fulfill the divine plan. Blockages manifest themselves through immune deficiency and chronic diseases. In addition, depression, confusion or escapism can give indication of blockages in this chakra.